La fontaine de Mars
129, Rue Saint-Dominique Paris 75007 
Metro: Bir Hakeim line 6
Area: Eiffel Tower

 When U.S. President Barack Obama visited France in honor of the anniversary of D-Day, he stopped at La Fontaine de Mars to dine on leg of lamb and a dessert of île flottante---and joined the ranks of the many guests that have been served at one of Paris's oldest bistros since its opening in 1908. The restaurant's old charm makes it ideal for a business lunch conducted in a quiet corner, or for a family meal on the terrace where one can listen to the calming noise of the fountain, which was once used as a water trough for horses. In typical bistro fashion, there are square tablecloths, leather banquettes and waiters outfitted in long black aprons. The owners are from the Southwest, so it is no surprise that foie gras and cassoulet are found on the menu, along with daily specials and weekly classics such as Monday's bavette à l'échalote and Tuesday's pot-au-feu. The wine list emphasizes Bordeaux and the Southwest region of France.

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